The office of the Auditor-General is to review its strategic plan in a four-day seminar to take place in Maseru from January 27 – 30, where its quest for autonomy will be reviewed.
Jan. 25, 2020
1 min read
Introspection as Auditor General steps towards autonomy

Lesotho's Auditor General Lucy Liphafa
Established in 1963, the Office of the Auditor General is directly a government office under the ministry of finance while it is aimed to perform the functions of promoting public accountability and transparency by providing professional auditing services to government departments.
However, the new Audit Act of 2016, has provided for independence of the office with more powers and less influence from government departments. During the upcoming seminar, the audit office will also review its strategic plan for the years 2018-2023.
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The participants, according to 'Mats'epo Mohau, Public Relations Officer, will be equipped with skills on reviewing the strategic plan and developing the action plan to suit the new structure of the office of the auditor general.
She acknowledged financial support from the African Development Bank (AfDB) who also provided a consultant to direct the review process. Ms Mahau said the office had been able to secure the Accounting Package, held a seminar to review the strategic plan and train auditors in Performance Audit and management of audits, thanks to the AfDB.
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