Survivors of Polihali project in Mokhotlong have petitioned Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA)demanding lifetime compensation.
May 3, 2019
2 min read
Survivors of Lesotho dams petition LHDA

the National Coordinator for Survivors of Lesotho Dams (SOLD) Lenka Thamae says communities “demand lifetime compensation not 50 years as per the Authority. This is what they deserve since they were forced to vacate their properties and live a different life.” He said Ha Mohale community had already presented their petition to LHDA whereby they demand LHDA to implement the ombudsman's recommendations of 2003, 2006 and 2010, lifetime compensation and 10 percent of the royalties Lesotho makes from dams to mention but a few.
Thamae further indicated that the community affected by Metolong project also hand their grievances, among which they cry foul over absence of clean water in their area although the project supplies water to nearby areas such as Mazenod. The LHDA Public Relations Manager Masilo Phakoe said the Authority compensates the value of property. He mentioned that they came up with an agreement of 50 years compensation after the society required their compensation to be payable every year.
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Masilo also said, “for the past years Land Act of 2010, compensated only the head of the family, but as for now, if the head of the family dies, the beneficiaries are also compensated.” Polihali Dam located in Mokhotlong is Phase II of Lesotho
Highlands Water Project (LWHP) and covers villages of Tsekong, Ha Phohla, Ha Sekants'i, Sekokong and Ha Jobere to mention a few.
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