
June 1, 2021


2 min read

Senate appoints new Clerk

Senate appoints new Clerk

President of the Senate 'Mamonaheng Mokitimi

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THE Upper House of Parliament - the Senate has appointed Tšeliso Molise as the new Clerk of the Senate, replacing Selete Molete whose contract has expired.

Commenting on the appointment, President of the Senate ’Mamonaheng Mokitimi said the new Clerk has been engaged on a three-year contract and is expected to start work on Tuesday.

In his welcome remarks, the Principal Chief of Matšekheng Chief Peete Lesaoana Peete made the new Clerk aware of the importance of the House of the Senate, saying his will be a long but progressive journey.
He therefore thanked the outgoing Clerk - Mr Molete for the full dedication that he gave to the House during his time in office.
The Senate of Lesotho is the upper chamber of the Parliament of Lesotho, which along with the National Assembly of Lesotho being the lower chamber comprise the legislature of Lesotho.

Mrs Mokitimi succeeded the Principal Chief of Matsieng, Chief Seeiso Bereng Seeiso as the President of the House.
The Senate has a total of 33 members including 22 hereditary tribal chiefs who perform executive functions for their respective communities and 11 members nominated by His Majesty the King on the Prime Minister’s advice.

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The committees present within the Senate include the Business, Legislative, Amenities, Committee on Standing Orders and Staff Committee, the HIV and AIDS, Petitions, Senate Parliamentary Reforms, Sustainable Development Goals, Ethics, Code of Conduct, Immunities and Privileges and the COVID-19 AD-HOC Committees. LeNA

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