The new Lioli FC playing kit was unveiled at the ceremony held at Alliance Insurance Company in Maseru on Wednesday. Speaking at the ceremony, Principal Chief of 'Mamathe Chief Sempe Khabasheane Masupha who is the club's Chief Patron and Lioli's Commander in Chief said this marks a happy day for the club and their followers.
Feb. 1, 2019
2 min read
Lioli unveil new kid
He said following the club's recent challenges of management which also affected Lioli's performance, he was personally satisfied that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. “I was so concerned with the club's recent challenges so much that I was about to intervene but was asked to wait a bit,” he commented. Chief Masupha also promised that the initial plan of honouring former Lioli's veteran players was still on pipeline, saying it was delayed by the recent squabbles.
He promised his full support of the present club's management saying Lioli is a big brand that is known globally. President of the club Lebohang Thotanyana said the kit include three sets of home and way as well as the competition jersey and other items like the soccerballs, replica jerseys, soccerboots, cones and bags and track suits saying they are worth M400,000. Thotanyana said the delay of the kit to be delivered was cost by some internal, external as well as logicality challenges some of which have been addressed.
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He believed that the kit arrives at the opportune time when Lioli FC will be involved in the LNIG Top 8 cup as well as contesting for the Econet premier league title, which he said was still wide open for any team to win at this stage. The unveiling ceremony was attended by among others some of the club's National Executive Committee members, the players who showcased the new kit. Lioli FC currently sit on fifth position at the Econet premier league log with 22 points from 15 matches played thus far and Lesotho Correctional Service (LCS) FC id the pacesetters with 33 points from the same number of games.