Various public groups from Moyeni in Quthing enjoyed Ultimate Radio live broadcast at Liphakoe sports pitso, Upper Moyeni on Friday December 18.
Dec. 19, 2020
2 min read
Unltimate FM extends outreach

Ultimate FM during broadcast (File)
In an interview at the event held to demonstrate broadcast of the radio which it's frequency has been extended to Quthing, the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Communications Science and Technology Bereng Makotoko expressed gratefulness for the Quthing Community locally known as Liphakoe for their dream to access Ultimate Radio station that has come true.
He said extension of Ultimate Radio Station frequency will also benefit other local radio stations that are not accessible in Quthing as they could follow procedures to be connected to Ultimate Radio frequency to be accessed by Liphakoe.
Mr Makotoko noted that Quthing youth could also explore it's talents from Ultimate Radio thus he encouraged them to use that opportunity, adding that business community will have an opportunity to extend their thoughts through this Radio Station.
He further wished Liphakoe a merry Christmas and prosperous new year, adding that they should celebrate responsibly observing protocols of COVID-19, as the pandemic is still a disaster that has put lives of the nations at risk.
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The Quthing District Administrator Motete Mokonyane expressed gratitude for access of Ultimate Radio in Quthing, adding that it has come at the right time when a local station which it's coverage do not even reach all areas of the district has technical problems.
He said access of Ultimate Radio has given Liphakoe more variety of media tunnels to pass their messages and advise their business. He encouraged the Quthing Community to support the station.
Interviewed Youth at the event expressed gratitude for the station which they said it attracts youth to listen to the radio as it broadcasts in English and its presenters are Youth who knows their language and type of entertainment.
One of them Lekhooa Molise from Lower Moyeni said it is high time that youth use the station for promotion of their businesses especially at this time when they face a challenge of unemployment and poverty despite their different levels of qualifications.
The Ultimate Radio was established in May 2006 as the first state owned commercial radio. It's mandate is to cater for business community and youth. It broadcasts mainly in English and is a predominantly music service which also offers sports, advertisements and news.
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